The ​C​offe​e House
The ​C​offe​e House
• About Us •
• About Us •

About The Coffee House
About The Coffee House
The Coffee House is located in the main street of Ardrossan and owned by Sarah and Zac Rawlings and they are often seen about the place with their children in tow. Since the business opened in 2015 it has grown to become a vital community hub of the small town of Ardrossan.
During Covid-19 shutdown they took the opportunity to renovate and revamp the old building (originally built in 1881) since reopening Sarah with the support of her wonderful team has relaunched a new menu to suit the 2020 lifestyle.

The Coffee House​
The Coffee House​

An Idea Is Born
An Idea Is Born
The idea was simple... well to begin with it was.
House baked sweets and treat ✔
Simple easy menu ✔
Provide a friendly welcome place to grab your morning coffee ✔
The Coffee House still bake all of their sweets and treats onsite
however now its just in larger quantities
Their menu is more complex but really does offer something for everyone
As for a friendly welcome place you'll have to pop in for yourself to find out.
Not much has changed they just do things on a bigger scale now.And lets not forget their Coffee definitely hits the spot!
The Coffee House
The Coffee House
The space provided at The Coffee House is truly unique and special.
When you arrive out the front of The Coffee House its a understated gateway into a beautifully set out courtyard. Tables line the path to the ramp, at the top of the landing is a door into the side of the 139 year old building.
Once opened you will see a beautifully designed space within, the greenery ceiling is twinkling with lights with a timber counter at the end.
The café is light, airy and open which really makes it inviting to sit and enjoy a coffee and catch up with a friend.